Monday, May 25, 2009

Twilight car and wall decals.

Available for sale are these fantastic Twilight inspired car and wall decals. Easy to apply and remove, these are great quality!

Quotes measure 6" tall x 25" long
3 only - $24.95each incl. postage

Quotes measures: 22" long x 6" tall.
3 only - $24.95each incl. postage

Quotes measures: 22" long x 6" tall.
3 only - $24.95each incl. postage

Decal measure 5.5" LONG x 2.5" TALL
2 only - $9.50each incl. postage

Decal measure 4" LONG x 3.5" TALL
2 only - $9.50each incl. postage

Decal measures 2.5 tall x 5.5" long
2 only - $9.50each incl. postage

Decal measure 5.5" LONG x 2.5" TALL
2 only - $9.50each incl. postage

Decal measure 3" tall x 5" long
2 only - $9.50each incl. postage
To purchase, please contact me by email -
Payment can be made by cheque/money order or by direct deposit.
All payment details will be provided by email.
Coming later today...
Laptop skins, charm bracelets, mobile phone dangles, necklaces, charms and so much more.

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